Keynote speakers and relators: Veltman, K. H. (Virtual Maastricht McLuhan Institute, the Netherlands), Villanova, M. (UISP), Tedaldi, M. (Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna), González, D. (Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems, National Research Council, Italy), C. Ficarra, M. (ALAIPO and AInCI), and Cipolla-Ficarra, F. V. (books presentation).
• The Universe and the Multiverse: From Matching to Cross-Matching.
• The Game is Up! From IWHD 1995 to ICWE 2017.
• Italian Cultural Heritage and Assessment of Images: Archaeology and History Case Studies.
• Education, Culture and Human Values for the Birth of an Universal Foundation.
• Book and Handbook of Research Presentation: "Human Interaction and the Impact of Information Technologies" & "Technology-Enhanced Human Interaction in Modern Society."
Didadic Panels and Workshops
Workshop #1 –Reconstructive Workshop to Interpret and Understand the Use of Ancient Materials through their Reconstruction: Some Examples of Italian Shields from the Fifteenth Century
Workshop #2 –Web Design, User Experience and Tourism in 360°
Panel #1 (Didactic Demos Session) –Fencing Rationalization between the XVth and XVIth Century by the Fencing Masters of the Bolognese School
Panel #2 (Didactic Demos Session) –Expanding the Color Revolution
Panel #3 (Didactic Demos Session) –Technology Innovation Spotlight, Printing and Production in Graphic Arts: Design and Editorial Production
Official Language: English. Additional Languages: Italian, Spanish and French.
[ September 6 ]
:: Registration :: 13:15 - 13:45
:: Welcome and “Benvenuta”
:: Tourism and Cultural Heritage –Bologna, Italy
Keynotes, Papers, Demos and Research-in-Progress
::: See N.B.
::: Coffee break :::
Keynotes, Workshops, Papers, Demos and Posters
Excursion # 1: Bologna City
[ September 7 ]
:: Registration :: 9:15 - 9:30
Keynotes, Workshops, Panels, Demos, Papers, and Posters
::: See N.B.
::: Coffee break: ::: 11:15 – 11:30
Keynotes, Workshops, Panels, Demos, Papers, and Posters
::: See N.B.
::: 14:15 - 15:15 Lunch :::
::: See N.B.
::: Coffee break :::
::: See N.B.
Excursion # 2: Archaeological and artistic heritage in Bologna City.
[ September 8 ]
9:30 – 11:15
::: See N.B.
:: Closing Remarks
Excursions # 3 and 4: Cultural and natural heritage in Emilia-Romagna Region, Italy (Ravenna and Rimini).
Keynote speakers, keynote relators, papers, demos, posters and research-in-progress accepted from Argentina, Australia, Canada, China, Curaçao, Egypt, Greece, India, Italy, Kenya, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Philippines, Spain, Republic of South Korea, Sweden, Thailand and USA (alphabetical order):
:: B01 :: |
2D Emulation versus 3D Simulaton: An Assessment of the Escher's Works on Film and Multimedia Systems :: Demo |
:: B02 :: |
Are the Disabled a New Source of Personal Income through the ICTs European Projects? Examining the Cases of Polytechnic University of Milan, Pompeu Fabra University, University of Lerida and University of Basque Country and Its Local and Global Interrelations :: Paper |
:: B03 :: |
Best Practices for Assessing Security in Risk Analysis :: Demo |
:: B04 :: |
Book and Handbook of Research Presentation: "Human Interaction and the Impact of Information Technologies" & "Technology-Enhanced Human Interaction in Modern Society" :: Keynote Relator |
:: B05 :: |
Devices with Wi-Fi in the Schools and the Potential Health, Safety and Environmental Risks :: Poster |
:: B06 :: |
E-commerce and Amazon Web Services: Powering the Visual Interfaces for All :: Paper |
:: B07 :: |
Education, Culture and Human Values for the Birth of an Universal Foundation :: Keynote Relator |
:: B08 :: |
Gender Human-Computer Interaction: Analyzing the Pink Phenomenon and the Motives for the Failings in the R&D Projects with HCI and in the Long Term :: Paper |
:: B09 :: |
Human-Computer Interaction for Tourism and Cultural Heritage in Cuba: HavanApp * Best Paper * |
:: B10 :: |
Human-Robot Interaction: Rethinking the Interface Design :: Paper |
:: B11 :: |
IPython Components: Lessons Learned from Big Data Statistics :: Poster |
:: B12 :: |
Italian Cultural Heritage and Assessment of Images: Archaeology and History Case Studies :: Keynote Relator |
:: B13 :: |
Machine Learning Examples for Data-driven Science :: Demo |
:: B14 :: |
Museum and Multimodal Interaction: Balancing Small Objects with User Movements :: Paper |
:: B15 :: |
Pros and Cons of Bitcoin: Experiments and Results from Australia :: Short Paper |
:: B16 :: |
Science Fiction for Management of Monitorization Data, Treatements and Clinical Record of the Patients in the Public and Private Health :: Short Paper |
:: B17 :: |
Teneegers and Learning Geography and Contemporary History with Mobile Technologies :: Paper |
:: B18 :: |
The Convergence of the Maths and Nuclear Engineering for the Elimination of the Epistemology of the Sciences and the Freedom of HCI and ICTs Researchers: Evaluating the Italian and Ibero-American Universities :: Paper |
:: B19 :: |
The Future of the HCI Professionals: Students Shaped and Misshaped by the Prefixes 'Multi', 'Trans' and 'Inter' Disciplinarity :: Paper |
:: B20 :: |
The Game is Up! From IWHD 1995 to ICWE 2017 :: Keynote Speaker |
:: B21 :: |
The Universe and the Multiverse: From Matching to Cross-Matching :: Keynote Speaker |
:: B22 :: |
The First Balance of International Workshop on HCITOCH: From the Trojan Horse Down to the Shield of Captain America :: Keynote Relator |
:: B23 :: |
Towards a First State of the Art about the ‘Culture of Social Denial’ from the Computer Science in Front of the Financial Crisis :: Paper |
:: B24 :: |
Valorizing the Dynamic Means in the Restoration and Reconstruction of the Historical Texts :: Demo |
:: B25 :: |
Visualizing Edwardian Leicester: Culture Heritage and Education * Special Mention: Research * |
:: B26 ::
:: B29 :: |
Workshop #1 –Reconstructive Workshop to Interpret and Understand the Use of Ancient Materials through their Reconstruction: Some Examples of Italian Shields from the Fifteenth Century (Demos) |
Moderators: Tedaldi, M. and Cipolla-Ficarra, F. V. |
:: B30 ::
:: B33 :: |
Workshop #2 –Web Design, User Experience and Tourism in 360° (Demos & Research-in-Progress) |
Moderators: C. Ficarra, M. and Cipolla-Ficarra, F. V. |
:: B34 ::
:: B37 :: |
Panel #1 (Didactic Demos Session) –Fencing Rationalization between the XVth and XVIth Century by the Fencing Masters of the Bolognese School |
Moderators: Villanova, M. and Tedaldi, M. |
:: B38 ::
:: B41 :: |
Panel #2 (Didactic Demos Session) –Expanding the Color Revolution |
Moderators: Riccardo and Roberta |
:: B42 ::
:: B45 :: |
Panel #3 (Didactic Demos Session) –Technology Innovation Spotlight, Printing and Production in Graphic Arts: Design and Editorial Production |
Moderators: Riccardo, Roberta and Cipolla-Ficarra, F. V. |